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MITS White Cup vs Phocas

When choosing business intelligence and financial planning software, remember it’s not just about what’s advertised. Reach out to fellow business peers for first-hand insights, explore online forums, ask for a demo, and read comparison reviews like this MITS/White Cup vs Phocas overview. It’ll save you time (and money) in the long run.

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MITS White Cup


Infor + Phocas customer

Crescent shifts from MITS to Phocas

Crescent shifts from MITS to Phocas
Goal: Fast setup, full support


MITS White Cup


Customer quote
It was probably one of most easy tech implementations that I’ve ever been a part of. Working with Phocas was fantastic, they were incredibly responsive through the whole process, they knew exactly where we were, everything was streamlined. I can’t speak enough about the support we get from the services.”
Goal: Empower everyone

Custom reporting

MITS White Cup


Customer quote
Phocas allows us to slice and dice at will. The ability to focus on one entity, product or customer with a single click, and then watch the entire dashboard update is huge for us. Phocas is so flexible that we can see everything we want to see, in the way we want to see it."
Goal: reliable, all-inclusive

Ongoing support

MITS White Cup


Customer quote
"The Phocas employees are extremely talented, helpful and kind, making them a great partner for our company."
Phocas goes beyond BI

Financial Planning & Analytics

Get a Phocas demo

Financial Statements


Budgets & Forecasts



Customer quote
Independent mid-size companies like us, need a competitive advantage, and a tool like Phocas, allows us to compete on the same level as larger, more sophisticated companies in a real-time, cost competitive way.”
Get a grip on your data

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Customer quote
Phocas makes me feel confident and it is certainly a good stress reliever. There are a lot of unknowns in business and there are a lot of things that Phocas can give me that become ‘knowns’ very quickly or easily.
Why Phocas

We think you’ll love Phocas, but don’t take our word for it

Based on 270+ customer reviews

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Whether you want to get your data organized for your team or you’re looking to combine business intelligence capabilities with financial reporting, planning and forecasting… We can help.
Get a demo Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future