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Business intelligence software

Accessible BI that connects you to faster insights
Struggling to pull data from your ERP and other sources? Do you rely on finance or IT experts to generate reports and dashboards? Is it challenging to manage KPIs and make informed decisions when constantly wrangling spreadsheets? Phocas Analytics is the business intelligence platform that can move your business forward.
Accessible BI that connects you to faster insights

Connect your data and your people with Phocas

All your data in one place

Phocas Integrations

Smarter, faster analytics

Learn more about Phocas AI
Smarter, faster analytics
Quick & easy

Tell your story in seconds

Interactive dashboards
Move from summaries to underlying details
Customer quote
Life before Phocas for us was more painful, we had lots of different sources of data, coming from different streams and when we implemented Phocas it really pulled it all together.”
Advanced analytics

Freely explore any way you like

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Freely explore any way you like
Customer quote
Phocas allows us to slice and dice at will. The ability to focus on one entity, product or customer with a single click, and then watch the entire dashboard update is huge for us. Phocas is so flexible that we can see everything we want to see, in the way we want to see it."

Fast implementation, full support

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Self serve

Intuitively simple for everyone

Intuitively simple for both power user and tech novice

Phocas Analytics benefits

Ad-hoc analysis

Ad-hoc analysis











Frequently asked questions

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Whether you want to get your data organized for your team or you’re looking to combine business intelligence capabilities with financial reporting, planning and forecasting… We can help.
Get a demo Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future