Why Phocas over Dundas?

Top reasons to go with Phocas
Why? Phocas delivers on business value, providing actionable insights from your disparate data.

Expert implementation without breaking the bank
Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future
— Owner at Timberline Bathroom Products.
Why go with Phocas instead of Dundas?
Business benefits
This KPI is based on the achievement level of a variety of business benefits
Project length
This KPI is based on how quickly the product is implemented
Business value
The KPI combines Business Benefits, Project Success and Project Length KPIs
Project success
This KPI is based on the implementation satisfaction level and the frequency of projects completed on time and on budget
This KPI is based on the proportion of users that say they would recommend the product to others
Vendor support
This KPI measures user satisfaction with the level of vendor support provided for the product
Product satisfaction
This KPI is based on the level of satisfaction with the product
Customer satisfaction
This KPI combines the Price to Value, Recommendation, Vendor Support, Implementer Support and Product Satisfaction KPIs
Ease of use
This KPI is based on how often the product was chosen for its ease of use, and on the level of complaints about ease of use post-implementation

Don't take our word for it
“Integrating sales, operational and financial data means you can directly relate cause and effect.”

“It’s a serious contender because of its ease of use and quick implementation.”
Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future