Sales analytics & forecasting

Drive growth with data analytics and sales forecasting

Empower your team with intuitive tools to analyze sales performance, identify trends, and forecast with confidence. With Phocas, actionable insights are at your fingertips, helping you drive revenue growth and improve sales strategies.
Drive growth with data analytics and sales forecasting

Sell smarter, faster

Discover Phocas Analytics
Sell smarter, faster

Drive growth

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Drive growth
Customer quote
"Our sales and marketing teams use Phocas to nail opportunities. Last month we identified the healthcare sector was producing some outstanding results. So, we were able to divert some of our sales effort away from low performing sectors into those that appeared to be more lucrative. That was really good."

Stay on track

Discover Phocas Analytics

Customizable sales forecasts

Discover Phocas Analytics
Customizable sales forecasts

Everyday tracking is so simple

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“Phocas helps us nail down each one of our account managers on areas to be stronger in. We’ve improved sales and our customer service. We’ve improved both by using Phocas.”
Luke McEnaney
Group Sales Manager at Bowens
Luke McEnaney - Bowens

Make sales analysis easy

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Make sales analysis easy
Customer quote
"Our directors, managers, and sales team, use Phocas on a daily basis. Our sales representatives use Phocas when visiting customers. It has reached deeply into our sales process in a short space of time. It really strengthens the truth of our customer conversations, removing all of the anecdotal stuff. Phocas is self-service, intuitive, easy, quick, and does what it says on the tin.”

Boost sales and forecast your growth with one platform

Track sales activity and success like never before

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Track sales activity and success like never before
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Reach sales targets and boost your team's productivity

Improve your sales process with a data platform.

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Reach sales targets and boost your team's productivity

Frequently asked questions

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Whether you want to get your data organized for your team or you’re looking to combine business intelligence capabilities with financial reporting, planning and forecasting… We can help.
Get a demo Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future