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Modern FP&A for builders' merchants + suppliers

The role of finance is changing. Is your merchant or manufacturing business ready for xP&A?

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Modern FP&A for builders' merchants + suppliers
According to Gartner, modern FP&A (or xP&A) is the evolution of planning; combining financial and operational planning on a single composable platform. ​It “extends” traditional FP&A solutions into other enterprise planning domains such as workforce, sales, operations and marketing.

We recently participated in the virtual Builders' Merchants Federation (BMF) Finance Forum, which covered:
  • An intro to modern financial planning & analysis (xP&A) + the changing role of finance in merchants + suppliers today​
  • A summary of the recent FSN: The Modern Finance Forum + survey
  • An explanation of how Phocas Software can help​ you achieve xP&A
Presented by
Adam Butler
Adam Butler
Account Executive

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