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[VIDEO] Product Insights - Business Intelligence for NetSuite

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[VIDEO] Product Insights - Business Intelligence for NetSuite

With an easy to use business intelligence software solution, any NetSuite user can answer the following questions:

  • What products are selling and what is not selling?
  • How can we compare actuals to budgets or targets?
  • How do you identify cross sell opportunities, and are you taking advantage of them?
  • Do you know how a product or product category or individual SKU is performing by revenue or margin? And can you measure this over any time period, from day to week to month and beyond?
  • How many customers are buying a product or product group now versus a previous period?
  • What are the right products to sell to your customers?

Leading BI tools such as Phocas allow you to analyze and answer all of the above qustions across any time period. Profit margins, value and the volume of sales can be compared quickly and simply in a graph to identify any trends hidden in your business data. You can also compare actuals against budgets or targets in the same straightforward way.

See more in our six minute video below on product insights - business intelligence software for NetSuite ERP:

Product Insights - Business Intelligence Software for NetSuite