Home Integrations Epicor + Phocas

Epicor financial reporting & analysis

Financial reporting can be taxing, with finance teams struggling to consolidate Epicor ERP data + other sources. EDA Financial Statements automates reporting, allowing you to speed up month end and analyze real-time performance.
Gain a dynamic view of performance with EDA Financial Statements
Epicor financial reporting & analysis

EDA Financial Statements explained in under 90 seconds

BI-driven financial statements


Financial statements for Epicor BisTrack, Epicor E8, E9, and E10, Epicor Eagle, Epicor Eclipse, Epicor LumberTrack, Epicor Prelude, Epicor Prophet 21, Epicor Vision, Epicor CMS, Epicor iScala.

Self-serve financial reports

Real-world experiences

Why Epicor users love EDA Financial Statements

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Why Epicor users love EDA Financial Statements

Auto consolidation

Customer quote
It's always been a nightmare for us to produce consolidated financial statements that are broken down by branch, division, or are consolidated for the entire company. Now we have the ability to consolidate or spilt them any way we want and at any level of detail. From the very top level (revenue and profit), down to viewing individual expense lines. 

EDA Financial Statements in action: Take a video tour

See EDA Financial Statements put to work through a series of short videos. Highlighting common pain points and the specific solutions Epicor powered by Phocas delivers.


Personalize for your audience
Customer quote
Prior to Phocas Financial Statements, we would have to pull data, dump it into Excel and manipulate it before we could really see the results. Now we can just open it up and the statements are built, we no longer have to build them and manipulate them before we can analyze them. It’s real-time. 


Financial planning

Financial planning


Get a snapshot view of specific timeframes and areas
Customer quote
Before sales reps visit a customer, they can pull up their dashboard so they know what to pitch really quickly. It's easy to pull this information on Phocas rather than the ERP - it's a lot quicker. 

Engage cross-functional teams

More ownership and understanding of the numbers
The EDA Suite

All-in-one platform

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The EDA suite

Frequently asked questions

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Whether you want to get your data organized for your team or you’re looking to combine business intelligence capabilities with financial reporting, planning and forecasting… We can help.
Get a demo Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future