Analytics + Finance =

A full business planning and analytics platform

Tired of wrangling multiple data sources? Does reporting and budget building leave little room for strategic planning and analysis? Phocas combines financial capabilities with analytics to bring you a comprehensive business planning and analytics platform.

Streamline your workflow and maximize your potential with Phocas

Phocas BI and financial reporting

The Phocas product suite

Data Analytics

Access a single source of data truth

Business intelligence
Phocas Integrations
Customer quote

Prior to Phocas no one trusted the data, and if there was something in the reports that was out they would blame the data. Now, if the report is showing a variance, people will consider other reasons for this because everyone is more informed and they trust the data. 

Financial Statements

Customize to suit your business

Financial statements
Financial Statements
Customer quote

Prior to Phocas, we had eleven Excel spreadsheets to make one report x 100. The many levels of reporting is an amazing feature. Reports are automated everyday without any human intervention.

Budgets and Forecasts

Collaborative budgeting, efficient forecasting

Budgets & forecasts
Budgeting and Forecasting
Customer quote

The Budgeting and Forecasting tool has allowed us to automate and simplify the process and help us reduce mistakes. In Phocas, you have access to the audit trail, and you can see who's changed what and who has access to what. It makes the budgeting process a lot smoother." 


Drive growth, secure margins and ensure accuracy


Unlock new opportunities by understanding your customers better

Contact Management

We think you’ll love Phocas, but don’t just take our word for it

Based on 270+ customer reviews

Frequently asked questions

Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future

Whether you want to get your data organized for your team or you’re looking to combine business intelligence capabilities with financial reporting, planning and analytics… We can guide you. Let’s see if we can help.
Get a demo Understand the past, operate better today, and plan well for the future